V deseti epizodi beseda teče o religiji. Natančneje, o religiji in nakupu drobne železnine v Merkurju. Naslov te epizode bi lahko bil tudi “Mujo, Janezek in antikrist vstopijo v bar”.
Gosta: bivši rimokatoliški ministrant Uroš Kuzman in udeleženec šestmesečnega islamskega verouka Admir Baltić.
Podcast: Download (Duration: 1:16:25 — 35.0MB)
Hvala sv. Anžetu Tomiću, zaščitniku nalagalcev avdio datotek, in Timu Minchinu za spodnje verze.
I only read one book, but it’s a good book, don’t you know
I act the way I act because the Good Book tells me so
If I wanna know how to be good, it’s to the Good Book that I go
Cause the Good Book is a book and it is good and it’s a book
I know the Good Book’s good because the Good Book says it’s good
I know the Good Book knows it’s good because a really good book would …
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