Po desetih letih počitka se je sila prebudila, raztegnila svoje neonske krake, si skuhala močno črno kavo in ponovno obnorela svet, ter v temo zapuščenih kinodvoran privabila nepregledne množice ljudi; kot da krize kinematografov nikoli zares ni bilo. Ampak taka je – ta silna moč najbolj znane franšize vseh časov, katere idejni oče je vesoljski telenovist in vizionar George Lucas.
Lucas, ki je »bil je edini ameriški gik, ki na vstopnico za Vojno zvezd ni nikoli čakal v vrsti«, je sedaj končno lahko samo fen, saj je krmilo Tisočletnega sokola v sedmi epizodi prepustil ultimativnemu režiserju fanfictiona J.J. Abramsu. Kako je J.J. opravil svojo nalogo, smo šle preveriti 17. decembra, minuto čez polnoč, na slovensko premiero v Kino Bežigrad. Naši vtisi, mnenja in najbolj nore teorije o tem, kje je Luke Skywalker in kaj načrtuje, pa so zbrani v novem podkastu.
p.s. 15. januarja ob 20.30h lepo vabljeni v Art Kino Odeon v Izoli, na FilmFlow v živo: Žanr Reloaded
Podcast: Download (Duration: 1:18:03 — 35.8MB)
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Vojna zvezd: Sila se prebuja na IMDb
J.J. Abrams na IMDb
A ‘Star Wars’ Refresher (Lorne Manly // The New York Times)
In kaj če je Darth Vader res naš oče? (Marcel Štefančič jr. // Mladina)
The Crazy History of “Star Wars” (Joshua Rothman // The New Yorker)
‘Star Wars’: A Spoiler-Free Guide to What’s Important Before Watching ‘Force Awakens’ (Ryan Parker // The Hollywood Reporter)
‘Star Wars: The Force Awakens’ Ultimate FAQ (Marcus Errico // Yahoo Movies)
Why Star Wars is a political Force to be reckoned with (Zoe Williams // The Guardian)
The Pre-Fab ‘Star Wars: The Force Awakens’ (Richard Brody // The New Yorker)
Star Wars: The Force Awakens review – ‘a spectacular homecoming’ (Peter Bradshaw // The Guardian)
Review: JJ Abrams breathes new life into ‘Star Wars’ with ‘The Force Awakens’ (Drew Mcweeny // HitFix)
‘Star Wars: The Force Awakens’ Reviewed (Anthony Lane // The New Yorker)
For better and worse, The Force Awakens returns Star Wars to its roots (A.A. Dowd // A.V. Club)
Admit it: ‘Star Wars: The Force Awakens’ stinks — and here’s why (Michael Hiltzik // Los Angeles Time)
‘Star Wars: The Force Awakens’: You know all the spoilers in J.J. Abrams’ obsessive reboot — because you’ve seen this movie before (Andrew O’Hehir // Salon)
Dear ‘Star Wars’ fans: I’m super sorry I ruined the whole thing for everybody (Andrew O’Hehir // Salon)
How Star Wars conquered cinema with help from The Hidden Fortress (Graham Hughes // BFI)
From ‘A New Hope’ to no hope at all: ‘Star Wars’, Tolkien and the sinister and depressing reality of expanded universes (Gerry Canavan // Salon)
Myth, masks and Star Wars: The Force Awakens (Josh Larsen // Think Christian)
Red Letter Media Mr. Plinkett Reviews (YouTube):
Star Wars Episode 1: The Phantom Menace
Star Wars Episode 2: Attack of the Clones
Star Wars Episode 3: Revenge of the Sith