V Ameriški ljubici (American Honey, 2016), najnovejšem filmu britanske cineastke Andree Arnold, se neskončni pejsaži ameriškega blišča in bede v enem dolgem rodatripu zvrstijo pred našimi očmi. Tista druga Amerika leži pred nami razgaljena in boleče drugačna, kot smo je vajeni. Ampak vse to nima nobene veze za glavno junakinjo filma. Vse, kar ona vidi, je Shia LeBeouf.
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American Honey (IMDb)
American Honey (FilmComment)
American Honey review – a magical mystery tour of the US (The Guardian)
Youthful Recklessness Finds Adventure on the Road in »American Honey« (The New York Times)
Human Highway: Writer/Director Andrea Arnold Talks American Honey (Filmmaker Magazine)
Filmmaker Andrea Arnold On ‘American Honey’ And Preserving Mystery In Film (NPR)
Why American Honey director Andrea Arnold is one of today’s greatest filmmakers (Vox)
Andrea Arnold: »I always aim to get under the belly of a place« (The Guardian)
For Youths, a Grim Tour on Magazine Crews (The New York Times)