Cara Santa Maria is american science communicator, podcaster and TV personality. Although she was raised as a mormon, she became an atheist who really loves science. She talked with Boki and Anže about her passion, religion, ebola and GMOs. Check ut her podcast “Talk Nerdy”! Cara Santa Maria Plano, Texas Atom and His package – […]
Cara Santa Maria je ameriška TV osebnost, podcasterka in “science communicator”. Kljub odraščanju v strogo mormonski družini je ateistka, ki obožuje znanost. Z Boštjanom in Anžetom se pogovarja o znanosti, religiji, eboli in genetsko spremenjenih organizmih. Počekirajte njen podcast Talk Nerdy.
Pižami in Anžetu se pridruži Sašo Braz – Renton. Skupaj pregledajo prihajajoče serije, ki jih Sašo popisuje na svojem blogu TV Pokovka. Nekaj malega še o New Yorku in nadaljevanki Friends ter novi seriji, ki spremlja življenje Batmanovega butlerja Alfreda.
Ertan Balaban has dedicated his life to different kinds of martial arts – he used to fight in the ring and now he is a Brazilian jiu-jitsu instructor in Istanbul. He and Boki tried to explain the point of martial arts to Anže. Anže remains a skeptic. Ertan Balaban Ertan in the ring Mixed Martial […]